At the Anxiety & OCD Center


Children and Adolescents

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychiatric disorders suffered by children and adolescents.  Left untreated in childhood, anxiety disorders can continue to impair functioning and quality of life into adulthood and throughout life. Some children and adolescents resist treatment, which elevates levels of anxiety and deepens resistance. Treatment begun early can be highly effective with an average positive response rate of 75 percent or higher.

At the Anxiety and OCD Center, children of all ages are taught effective strategies to overcome anxiety and the many disorders that occur along with anxiety.  Learning young, they are better protected against more severe and impairing anxiety, and better able to use effective anxiety treatment strategies throughout life.

Parents are a critical part of the treatment process.  Parents are taught effective parenting strategies, which are very different from the parenting strategies used for children and adolescents without anxiety. Typically having anxiety triggers in common with their children, parents gain relief from the anxiety that dominates their relationship with their child.

One in eight children in the US suffers from an anxiety disorder


Affecting more than 18 percent of adults, anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorder in the United States, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.  Though highly treatable, only one-third of those with anxiety disorders obtain effective treatment.  Those with anxiety disorders most commonly and repeatedly seek treatment from medical doctors for the physical symptoms of anxiety that mimic physical illnesses.  Approximately 75 percent of adults who obtain effective treatment improve.

The Anxiety and OCD Center provides comprehensive treatment to adults with a wide range of anxiety and related disorders. Anxiety can affect every aspect of life. As such, adults, couples, and families are frequently treated for the effects of anxiety disorders. At the Anxiety and OCD Center, patients are taught how anxiety functions and are taught effective evidence-based treatment strategies.

One in five people in the US suffers from an anxiety disorder

We offer help for a range of anxiety disorders and related conditions:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

  • Social anxiety disorder and selective mutism

  • Panic disorder

  • Specific phobias

  • Posttraumatic stress disorder

  • Separation anxiety disorder and school refusal

  • Anxiety about health and medical problems

  • Medical disorders that co-occur with anxiety: Chronic pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling) and skin picking

  • Tinnitus and misophonia—intolerance of sounds

  • Depression and bipolar disorder

  • Body dysmorphic disorder, body images disturbances, and eating disorders

  • Hoarding

  • Autism spectrum disorders

  • Sensory integration disorders—Sensory sensitivity


Outpatient Treatment Program

The licensed psychologists and psychology residents at the Anxiety and OCD Center are highly trained in the treatment of anxiety, OCD, and related disorders. Treatments that have been shown in research studies to be effective are called ‘evidence-based treatments.’ Evidence-based treatments have been researched and tested in large clinical studies similar to those for medication treatments.  Many of these large studies are funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. Just as it is important to use medications that have been shown to be effective in treating a particular problem; it is important to use evidence-based psychotherapy treatments.

The speed and effectiveness of treatment is maximized with weekly appointments; however, scheduling at the Anxiety and OCD Center is flexible.  Treatment is equally effective when treatment sessions are scheduled less frequently from the start. In addition, once significant progress is achieved, sessions can be scheduled less frequently so as to maintain treatment gains. It is more important to have less frequent sessions of effective treatment than to not have access to effective treatment.

When necessary, the Anxiety and OCD Center psychologists and psychology residents will travel to meet clients.  With written consent, the Center actively collaborates with other treatment providers and schools.  Such collaboration heightens treatment outcomes.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program

For those with severe and impairing anxiety disorders, the Anxiety and OCD Center provides an intensive outpatient treatment program. Intensive outpatient treatment is designed to treat anxiety and related problems aggressively on a short-term basis, while allowing patients to stay involved with work, family, or school. For especially severe patients, such intensive and collaborative treatment means not having to be treated on an inpatient basis.

The frequency of intensive outpatient treatment sessions is based on individual needs, and can include treatment multiple times a week, several hours at a time, or treatment in the home, school, or other relevant environment. Several treatment providers are frequently involved in the care of each patient.